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Fresh Prints

Now that I'm back on the blogging biz, I might be flooding you with summer outfits and ideas since it's the season of heat and sun here in the Philippines!

Living in a tropical country makes you always look for the cool breeze and chilling waters like the beach and pools. But of course, you can't always run to the waters for rescue! So wearing the most breezy and light clothes is the best way to feel comfortable and fresh!

This scarf was ultra light, comfy and most of all, stylish! With it's cool prints, it can add life to your basics.

Comfort is key this summer!

How's your summer?

From Japan Scarf, Forever21 Basics Top, SM Store Sandals

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  1. I love that scarf/cardi. It's really tough to dress up here in our country, it's always so hot!

    I just recently updated my blog. I'd love if you can come over and share your thoughts.

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    1. I'm happy to have someone to share the same feels with! Hahaha, thank you Abby <3
