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DIY: High-waist Shorts

High waist shorts are so in right now! Wearing these with crop tops or even simple and over sized shirts can be so stylish. Summer's here and who can't say no to a very cool and comfy shorts? Here is a tutorial on how I turned my mom jeans into a high waist shorts. My grandmother gave me two mom jeans so I decided to make the other one a shorts. 


High waist jeans or mom jeans, and scissors are the only tools you need to achieve a fab and sexy look!

This super easy-peasy tutorial is almost not needed since I think everybody knows how to cut their jeans and make them into a shorts. But of course, here are a few tips:

1. Fit your jeans first before cutting it! So you know how much length you have to cut off or how short do you want it to be. 

2. Obviously, you have to mark it. Draw a line with a pencil or a crayons. Make sure the other side has equal marks. When you make a mistake and you cut the other leg a little shorter, don't worry! All you have to do is fold it.

Tadaaaaa! Hope my friendly tips help you a bit :) Don't be afraid in doing DIYs or think that you might ruin the clothes, it won't! And if you did ruin it, just let your creative ideas flow to patch your mistake up ;)

Enjoy DIY-ing! <3

Bobson Japan Jeans

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  1. I have to do this diy too


    Francesca http://www.everydaycoffee.it/

  2. Those shorts are amazing, I definitely need to try out this DIY!

    - Liz

  3. They turned out so great, I love them! :)

    Recently I have started as a guest designer for a famous bag brand and my first design of a belt bag is out! <3 I would love to hear what you think about it! :)
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    Kisses from Zurich,

  4. Super cute!! I've tried and failed at making my own shorts before...nicely done. And I love the top.


    1. Oh, that's fine. You'll do well next time :) That's a psychotic-disorder themed shirt I got from our college since I'm a psychology major.

  5. Such a nice and intelligent use of jeans! Super cool outfit!

