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Comfortable is my first word to describe this look. It's been raining lately and I think the best way to flaunt your personal style with this kind of weather is to dress up in pieces you are most comfortable with.

What I like the most in this style is the basic-ness of a white shirt and yet you could still feel fab.

What makes this extra special is that, this is the first time my boyfriend took these shots for me!

It's awkward at first to just pose and pose with your boyfriend taking shots, but in the end I keep on laughing at the photos, many are too-stolen shots my eyes are half closed! 

Platforms selfie! I like them so much because despite of the height of the platforms, they're still very comfortable to wear! Maybe that's how all platforms should be. I got those from my grandmom in Japan, and the shirt from a gift! Cap from Penshoppe and bag from Prada.

Just to give you a little peek of this cute guy (for me he's cute, of course!). Thank you my love!
I always check on my stats and this day, I'm so happy I've got viewers from western countries like Greece and Hungary! It's just so amazing to reach other people in the different side of the world. I hope you had fun reading a few of my posts and feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below! Have a Merry Christmas!

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  2. love this casual outfit!!! its soo lovely!!

    Would really appreciate if we would follow each other on GFC, G+ and BL, so that we can keep in touch!
    Just started following you, waiting for you to follow back ;)

    xoxo Colli // TOBEYOUTIFUL

    1. Thank you so much :) You could message me your links on IFB :) Or email me. Thank you Colli 💗
