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A New Start

It hasn't been a month since I started this online diary of outfits and ideas. I only have 10 posts up now. But what I really love about having this personal style blog is that you can speak out everything you love about fashion and blogging. You can communicate with different people from different countries. 

I can still remember the first time I viewed my statistics and found out views from Slovakia and Venezuela, and other European countries. I was really really happy at that time, I was screaming and laughing.I know, I'm very new to this! 

Same to this outfit, this is my first boxy top. I believe I've posted this on my previous post What I got for Christmas. As I've mentioned there, I got this from a preteen's section. I was so confused on how to pair this up, until I decided not to think about it and wear what I am most comfortable with. For me, that's describes best on how your personal style should be. Being fashionable in your best way without sacrificing your comfort.


This year is a transcendent year. I've gone beyond my doubts and fears and now I'm facing it. It's your turn now. Be transcendent and take a brand new start. Have a Happy New Year everyone! 


Maiko Kimberly

Blush Top | Mario 'd Boro Pumps | Polytolyowie Bowler Hat

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  1. Adorable outfits! Happy new year


  2. I love your outfit! And the hat and shoes look really cute!!! Happy New Year! 😊


  3. Super cute... Have a great 2015!

  4. Lovely post, dear! Wish you great and inspiring year.

    Charity project "Princess Ball" -http://starlingdays.blogspot.com/2015/01/blog-post.html
