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In the Deep

A big part of my closet color palette are shades of blue. In color psychology, Blue gives off that calming feeling and promotes peace and tranquility. I wear either white, or any shades of blue when I feel like I'm going to be moody for the whole day.  

This deep blue color reminds me of the depths of the oceans. Yea, I know, summer is still too far and out of my reach to go to the beach but here I am, dreaming of sand and sea. 

What my hair looks like when it's braided. I seldom (almost never) change hair styles or do some amazing hair tricks (to my own hair). I just like it down and let the wind flips it. Though I know how to do those fancy hair braids and buns (I watched it on Youtube!), I'm having a hard time doing it to my own hair (raise your hand if you also do). My sister is quite lucky because I practice those hair styles to her hair and sometimes, she bribes (just sometimes) me to do it for her so she can wear it at school. Hahaha!



From HongKong top, From Bangkok dress

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