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Collars and Braids

Hello reader! So happy to blog about a new outfit post, I've been so engrossed with kdramas for a while that I even forgot about posting this look. Haha! Once I started watching these korean dramas, I couldn't even get up and do something. 

I've been so addicted to collars lately that I started matching every pieces with it. And I love how this looks so girly!

I don't usually wear too much make-up on my posts (since I don't really know how to do it perfectly, mostly with the eye make-up) but when I do, I just put on an orange lipstick. I really love this color since I feel like it brightens up my whole face.

The florals was actually a dress, I just layered it with a shirt. Lately, I've trying to master the art of layering clothes. Haha! It's really fun, you should try it.

I'm really having fun on our 10-day vacation (we have no classes because of Papal Visit and I only have classes 3 days a week) so far. The kdrama I'm watching right now is Emergency Couple, and it's really a hit! How you doing?

Guess Shirt | Mogao Dress | Bangkok Shoes

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  1. Adorable outfit! Love the skirt


  2. Oo very very cute, lovely ! xxx

  3. very nice and cool...you nice and cute...nice you and wardrobe is matching....

  4. Its so cute this look!! Amazing combination.
    Kisses from Spain.
    Xoxo, P.

    My Showroom

  5. You look so cute, love this outfit!
    Nice blog, dear! ^-^

